<Marc Qualie/>

MongoDB UK Workshops

Photo of Marc Qualie

Today, I attended the workshops leading up to the MongoDB UK event and learned so much from the amazing solutions experts over at 10gen. I can't wait to apply everything I learned such as replica sets, sharding and forward planned Schema Design. I say Schema Deisgn, but since Mongo is a Schema-less database I actually mean an implied data structure on how to highly optimize applications for different use cases.

Before attending I had intermediate understanding of how mongo worked in a production environment, but now I feel confident I could multiple machines, back them up and shard them with ease. It was also quite fun being a physical shard as part of Chris‘s role play example which helped to visual how data is actually managed and passed around the machines.

I'm even more excited for MongoDB UK tomorrow, which is of course, the main event. With speakers from AOL, Nokia, Cloud Foundry and gov.uk I'm sure there will be some amazing use cases to be learned from. I'll hopefully try and getting some posts written while I'm there tomorrow, and maybe even write up some coding examples from what I learn. Also looking forward to the Sharded pub crawl afterwards, but let's not tell the boss about that one!

If you have any questions about this post, or anything else, you can get in touch on Bluesky or browse my code on Github.