I recently setup a cluster of Raspberry PIs and Intel NUCs as a shared Kubernetes cluster for my homelab. Each device has a primary NVMe dri...
I've been setting up a lot of quick experiments and prototypes lately to prove concepts. For these kind of apps I don't need a full stack li...
It's possible to dramatically improve yarn v1 performance locally by caching registry content in a local nginx proxy. I'm part of teams main...
Sometimes you want to test your web project from a physical device. Simply shrinking the screen size on a desktop browser can certainly help...
I often use my PS5 controller on my Mac Studio with PS Remote Play to quickly login and check something or pick up a time-bound item without...
Out of the box NextJS comes with eslint, but this only helps with code quality and does not enforce any kind of formatting. You can heavily ...
When working on a bunch of development projects, specifically JavaScript, drives can fill up pretty fast with useless data. The most common ...
Recently I've been using [Tailscale](https://tailscale.com/) for easily linking and managing my personal devices. I love the simplicity of i...
I recenty worked on some pretty old Terraform projects (built using v0.10.x I believe). The state on these projects is no longer compatible ...
Rails 6 introduced a new autoloader called Zeitwerk. While it has many many improvements, one of the main changes is how strict it is with f...
I found myself with an odd scenario the other day where I needed to render a rails partial (using HAML with some templates, styles, and a la...
Over the last few years I've started to become a lot more aware of various carbon emissions created by myself and the people around me. From...
Configuring IAM is essential for any AWS account. The most common use case is granting access to EC2 instances, or allowing web apps to read...
I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to research this on a fresh install or different machine. Since python is not a language I u...
Migrating a schema when deploying code is a fairly solved problem in Rails, and many other languages/frameworks. What hasn't quite been solv...
Although what I'm about to talk about is well documented<sup><a href="#git-push-repository">[1]</a></sup>, I've never come across it in my 1...
A few weeks ago I decided to take the leap and implement Webpacker into an existing Rails project. Initially this seemed like a great idea a...
Time and time again I've found myself needing to limit access to S3 repositories via write-only. Read-Only access is widely used for public ...
I've lost count of the amount of times I've forgotten the syntax for creating users, databases and permissions within postgresql. After spen...
Today, I made the mistake of running `gem pristine` while helping someone debug an issue. Not only did this not resolve their issue, but now...
Due to using to [Github flow](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/) quite heavily, I end up with a lot of rogue branches locally tha...
I'm currently building an application which makes heavy use of JSONB in PostgreSQL. After a while of searching I was unable to find any solu...
Today, I was preparing a [Docker](https://www.docker.com) container for production release and found managing environment variables was a bi...
I spent a lot my time this weekend looking into a long overdue infrastructure upgrade for all of our hosted GoStatic sites and found some aw...
One of the huge down-sides of having a static site is the in-ability to do search. It's not impossible, but the solutions out there are no w...
Today, I spent longer than I feel comfortable admitting solving a supposedly simple problem in my EmberJS application. Since this particular...
I've had the same dull blog layout for years. Even in my transition from Blogger to [Wordpress](https://marcqualie.com/2012/10/no-more-wordp...
The community tap I created for custom Nginx modules within Homebrew just got accepted into the official [Homebrew](https://github.com/Homeb...
Not only does Jekyll power this blog but it has been one of the main tools I use on a daily basis for almost 2 months now.
After convincing myself all year that I will finally Go Static and get rid of my custom CMS for this blog, I decided to finally launch it on...
As some of you may know I recently left my position at Performance Horizon to take on a Senior Developer role with <a href="https://www.give...
Lately there has been a lot of buzz around security when using web services. Everyone seems to be very paranoid all of a sudden and encrypti...
I've been asked a few times how I back up my servers at [Digital Ocean](https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=4f6e23440060). It seems this t...
I've recently been working on an <a href="https://github.com/marcqualie/homebrew-nginx" target="_blank">Nginx Tap</a> for Mac OS X Homebrew ...
For those of you that follow my blog reguarly, a few weeks ago I announced I was undertaking my <a href="/2013/05/open-source-challenge" tar...
Today, I just created a <a href="https://github.com/etsy/statsd/" target="_blank">StatsD</a> PHP Library and released it on <a href="https:/...
It's bank Holiday Monday and I think it's about time for a new challenge. I've been working a lot with Open Source lately, both contributing...
In the last few years I've used a lot of hosting providers. Until now I've never actually found any that have been able to satisfy my needs ...
For a while now I've been hearing a lot of people taking about the programming language Ruby. Not that it's anything new, it just seems to b...
Today, I decided to explore Cloudflare features in a bit more depth. I currently manage quite a few applications, both personal and business...
Today I finally released the beta version of my MongoDB compression library for PHP. There still a lot of work to be done, but it's stable e...
The other day I stumbled across an amazing feature of Sublime Text 2 that doesn't require a plugin to work, yet somehow after 1 year of usin...
I've had a few people asking about the specs on my new gaming machine, so here they are! This upgrade should have came about a year ago but ...
I've put together this simple install script that I compiled from the various tutorials on the rabbitmq site. It's not intended to be anythi...
I recently just passed my probation period and got hired full time at Performance Horizon which means I get to work on awesome technology wi...
I've been meaning to try out <a href="https://pages.github.com/" target="_blank">Github Pages</a> for quite a while, but never had a project...
I've decided that having my Blog hosted on 3rd party software is no longer an option. After 3+ years of posting originally on Blogger, then ...
Today I found a major flaw with a piece of software I use heavily every single day, as do a lot of people I know. Logmein Hamachi is current...
Where has the time gone! I've been working at my new job for almost a whole month now and it still feels like I've just started! For those o...
Today I finally got around to upgrading my home media server to Ubuntu 12.04. I'd been putting it off for a while, mainly because I was busy...
I mainly write these blog posts for my own personal reference, so I don't forget how to install all of these various packages, but also beca...
Today, I attended the workshops leading up to the <a href="https://www.10gen.com/events/mongodb-uk" target="_blank">MongoDB UK</a> event and...
Here is a small script I whipped up while I was bored in the Travelodge waiting for <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23mongodbuk" target...
<a href="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-QQCepJIhU4c/T9zR6HxDqII/AAAAAAAAEZI/yraCndSouGk/w497-h373/12%2B-%2B1">
Since <a title="MongoDB" href="https://mongodb.org" target="_blank">MongoDB</a> is technically a schema-less database, there aren't fields o...
I've just finished working on the first prototype for my up and coming racing engine written in JavaScript. It's nowhere near finished, but ...
I recently just discovered that Mac OSX doesn't have <a href="https://github.com/mirror/wget" target="_blank"">wget</a> functionality, and t...
A pet hate of mine on Mac is the inability to order directories with folders at the top. It makes perfectly logical sense to put things in A...
It's quite annoying how non-simple OSX is to Linux, so nearly all of the commands I'm used to don't actually work anymore so I have a lot mo...
I'm so excited for the launch of Mass Effect 3 that I felt like I had to write about it to get it out of my system. I was extremely disappoi...
Are you still using FTP for website deployment? Don't. If you're like me, and think there isn't a better solution then look no further than ...
Recently I've been looking into a lot of Technology and Software to improve the performance and scalability of some of the projects I've bee...
This is a quick post explaning how to quickly install the CURL module on PHP5 in preperation for my next few posts. Below is the code to run...
Here is a very simple script to update from Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10. I have just launched a few new servers and this was the first thing I had...
This is a quick post demonstrating the quickest way to get <a href="https://nodejs.org" target="_blank">node.js</a> running on Ubuntu 11.10....
Lately I've been looking into different technologies for making real time communication better for my sites, games and apps. <a href="https:...
I'm working on a simple game to refresh my canvas knowledge. I decided to built the game entirly in JavaScript, which isn't easy to do due t...
Here is a quick snippet for updating the time zone on Ubuntu Servers via the command line. This will be part of the series I'm writing on ge...
Recently I've been thinking a lot about open source, and whether or not it's a good idea for me. I can see why it benefits groups of develop...
This morning, I just stumbled across a cool site which teaches people who to code, without it being an entirely tedious task. The site tries...
This week a colleague needed to work from home to finish up some code for our new internal site launch next week. Unfortunately, since we de...
I recently just setup a new SSL Certificate on <a href="https://marcqualie.com/">marcqualie.com</a> and ran into a little glitch that wasn't...
Today I woke up with the vision of watching <a href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004CYECF4/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=marqua-21&li...
This is just a quick post to hopefully help you out if you're having the same problem as me. I recently purchased a <a href="https://www.ama...
For way too long now I've taken advantage of the amazing bind method build into the Mootools core framework, so when I started using jQuery ...
This is a quick post to inform you of some ways to keep your Linux machines well protected from hackers and bots. Today I realised some of t...
I recently just dusted down an old laptop to use as at work, and I felt Ubuntu was the smart option since I'm becoming very fond of Linix la...
Today I decided to build myself a small, yet very secure proxy tunnel to use at work. Not that I have anything to hide, I'd just prefer my b...
Hey guys! It's a while since I posted, but it's all for a good cause, I promise. Recently I joined forces with a friend and we become a sing...
I really want to make something like this so I thought I'd share.
Today I received my Kinect Cable (oh yeah!) so I could start playing around with some hacks. Unfortunately, I was in a lazy mood, so Instead...
<a href="https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1fRyZ3kk9d4/TWXAu99XvCI/AAAAAAAAA2c/XBQBNn1uXKs/s1600/logmein_hamachi-437849-1293507014.jpg">
Today, I installed <a href="https://varnish-cache.org/" target="_blank">Varnish Cache</a> onto my Amazon EC2 server to test drive it's perfo...
A collegue brought up an interesting subject today at work; how do you detect which radio button out of set has been selected in JavaScript?...
Today I was experimenting with various caching techniques in PHP and Apache to try to speed up my site, while still keep all of my content r...
Thanks to Adobe's newest release of Flash Player 10.2, web video will use much less of your processor, and improve battery life on mobile de...
<a href="https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SCmPP6x1F1A/TTDxXtfAlYI/AAAAAAAAAqM/h-T5c6URj_A/s1600/tczgrande1.jpg">
We've all met people like this. I meet meet people like this on a daily basis due to the nature of my work and I think they should all be ba...
<a href="https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SCmPP6x1F1A/TTDf1KcvU8I/AAAAAAAAAqE/pYOD1YTby-o/s1600/local.marcqualie.png">
Below is an article from MSDN, where a Microsoft employee openly mocks [Google's decision to no longer support H.264 video]({% post_url 2011...
Google has announced that it will be dropping support for the H.264 video format in favour of more open standards. They will be pushing peop...
I would love to be able to draw like this. This must have taken the guys hours, and it is clearly a masterpiece!
This hacker is using a blender model and Kinect to replicate his movements in real-time. Quite impressive how accurate it is.
Not really much to say about this one apart from how clearly awesome this thing could be. I'd loved to be able to compose music without ever...
As many of you may know, Xbox Kinect has been hacked many times for various different reasons on the PC. Now the millions of gamers can play...
Thanks to the Open Source Community over at Apache, Google Wave will now be able to live on in it's new home where many eager developers wai...
PHP, while known for it's simplicity and scalability, is an overall slow and memory consuming language. I my 5 years of programming, I've ma...
As you may know I <a href="https://marcqualie.com/2010/11/squiggle-canvas-returns">recently relaunched Squiggle Canvas</a>. Whilst re-coding...
<a href="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_SCmPP6x1F1A/TNW_ncfEcnI/AAAAAAAAAjs/tW8Of69sXSk/s1600/Random+Bird+Thing.jpg">
<a href="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/_SCmPP6x1F1A/TNP5R2St4GI/AAAAAAAAAjk/p9oqwaoCBY0/s1600/url.jpg">
This is a quick tutorial on how to code basic pagination using a combination of PHP and MySQL. Pagination is basically splitting a list of c...
Hi guys! It's been a long time since I've posted on here, but I've been a very busy little worker bee! I will explain more about that in my ...
Did you know you can also create symlinks using PHP? Now when you have a lot of files you want to symlink in bulk, such as Apache project fi...
Over at Google they are always trying to make the internet faster, and just generally better for all of us Speed Craving Humanoids. They wer...
<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTM0NzEyNDA5">
<embed height="490" src="https://fc01.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/077/2/e/Animator_vs__Animation_by_alanbecker.swf" width="660"/>
<embed height="490" src="https://fc02.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/073/7/0/Animator_vs__Animation_II_by_alanbecker.swf" width="660"/>
If this were a real phone, I would most likely sell everything I own just to have one. Seriously, amazing.
<a href="https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SCmPP6x1F1A/TJvSihEAOpI/AAAAAAAAAdA/Ehyk7lv3jMo/s1600/imgres.jpg">
<a href="https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_SCmPP6x1F1A/TJaek5dshuI/AAAAAAAAAco/2nqN5l4HjCA/s1600/imgres.jpg">
Recently I purchased a new Keyboard and Mouse desk set, which I have been very impressed with so far. It's a <a href="https://www.amazon.co....
Today I decided to link up some servers so I could develop faster and they would be almost identical. Unfortunately, symbolic links aren't s...
Today, I read a post about the new version of Chrome which Google have released. It's basically a secondary browser, which can be installed ...
Hey guys! Been a while since I've blogged but it's worth it, honestly! Lately I've been so busy working on so much stuff I barely have time ...
<a href="https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SCmPP6x1F1A/TB3-AqIabcI/AAAAAAAAAYg/-92dm7Swro8/s1600/googlenaptimejun2010.jpg">
I do this on a daily basis, looks like I'm not the only one!
This makes me want to start working with compiled languages a lot more! Not that I would do this, of course..
So today, Apple decided to release what they call an "upgrade" to their iPhone OS (now named iOS). First of all, this may be an upgrade to t...
Out of all the random things Google have come up with to demonstrate their products, this has to be the most fun I've seen. While we're all ...
Anyone else ever thought to themselves that The Terminator movie has a hint of truth to it? Clearly technology is becoming more advanced by ...
So I finally decided to start blogging, yay for me! Took me long enough. I got annoyed at myself for putting everything off, always saying I...