Hey guys! Been a while since I've blogged but it's worth it, honestly! Lately I've been so busy working on so much stuff I barely have time to eat! Actually, that's a lie, I've been playing games all the time (damn Steam!). So yeah, procrastination at it's best right there.
Anyways, I have actually been productive at work, which is what I want to tell you guys about. I am currently building a Game, the theme of which is top secret (I'd have to kill you), so I will just tell you about the engine I've been building.
To start with, I didn't know anything about 3D, and my flash skills were only above average, so making a 3D Game in flash wasn't my first choice, however you know how I love a challenge! The engine consists of a 3D model importer, which comes to life with the help of a coworker and his 3D skills. This is then put onto a textured level, which will be nicely optimized for all computers, no matter which processor you have. It is real-time multi-player, meaning you can see other players as they are moving around the world in almost real-time (gotta take latency into account, but trust me, it's barely noticeable!). My favorite part of this project was building everything using Flash Develop. Personally, I think Flash CS4/CS5 is majorly overpriced, buggy and somewhat a hindrance at the best of times, whereas Flash Develop is clean, fast and helpful.
I will keep you updated with news on the game as it progresses, along with a few 3D demos and tutorials over the coming weeks, so keep checking back for new updates!